Local 24 – Crothall Laundry Services Strike Vote Results

Good morning,

Members in your local have voted 100 per cent in favour of a strike to back your bargaining committee’s demands at conciliation.

There were a total of 45 ballots cast out of 57 eligible voters, which means 79 per cent of the membership voted.

The bargaining committee thanks you for this strong show of support as they head into conciliation dates, which are scheduled for April 24th and 25th.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of your Bargaining Committee, or the NSGEU Labour Resource Centre at 424-4063 (toll free 1-877-556- 7438), or e-mail us at inquiry@nsgeu.ca

Bargaining Committee:

Francis Edwards        frankieedwards69@gmail.com

Ray McAllister            raymcallister@outlook.com

Rosemary Mills           rosie_roadhammer@hotmail.com

Dave Lawrence, Chief Negotiator   dlawrence@nsgeu.ca


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