There is strength in numbers. NSGEU is officially affiliated with a number of other unions and labour associations that work to strengthen workers’ rights.
The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour was established in 1956 and is the province’s central labour body. Today, the NSFL represents 70,000 Nova Scotians who belong to more than 350 union locals representing workers in almost every sector of Nova Scotia’s economy.
Visit its website at
There are five community-based labour councils active in Nova Scotia:
District Labour Councils are the main link to the policies and campaigns of the Canadian Labour Congress
Through our affiliation with the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) we are connected to 9 other provincial public sector unions in provinces from one end of the country to another. Â Representing 340,000 members who deliver public services, it is one of the largest unions in Canada. NUPGE gives NSGEU members a national presence through participation in the Canadian Labour Congress.
Through our affiliation with the Canadian Labour Congress, we are connected to more than three million workers in every imaginable occupation from coast to coast in Canada.
The CLC is the umbrella organization for affiliated Canadian and international unions, as well as for provincial federations of labour and district labour councils.
For more information, telephone the Atlantic office of the Canadian Labour Congress, 902.455.2965 or visit their website at
Through NSGEU’s affiliation with NUPGE, we are also affiliated with Public Services International (PSI). Public Services International represents public sector unions globally. It represents some 650 affiliated trade unions in 150 countries.
Through NSGEU’s affiliation with NUPGE, we are also affiliated with the International Labour Organization, a UN agency that brings together governments, employers and workers to promote decent work throughout the world.