Local 74 – Tri-County Regional Centre for Education Bargaining Update
Your local ratification vote ends at 5 pm today.
Yesterday, the Annapolis Valley Regional Centre of Education called Local 73 back to the table in order to continue negotiations in an effort to avoid a pending strike.
Following a long day and night of negotiations, a tentative agreement was reached just before midnight. Local 73’s bargaining committee will be recommending acceptance of this tentative agreement.
It is expected that the TCRCE will call your local 74 bargaining committee back to the table in an effort to also conclude a collective agreement in the coming days.
Your ratification results will be shared with you shortly after the vote closes later today.
Your bargaining committee members appreciate the ongoing support and solidarity of the membership throughout this difficult round of bargaining.
Bargaining Committee:
Marjorie Deion, mdeion@tcrce.ca
Ricky Doucette, ricky.doucette@tcrce.ca
Heidi DeMille, hdemille@hotmail.com
Chief Negotiator Lloyd Samson, LSamson@nsgeu.ca