Local 63B Community Health Services- First Contract Negotiations Update
Your Bargaining Committee has been negotiating with your Employer to achieve your first collective agreement. We have scheduled further bargaining sessions on April 16 and 17 to conclude negotiations and are now awaiting word from Department of Community Services on the financial compensation package that will complete your collective agreement package.
The negotiations have been lengthy but productive. We will have a further update after April 17 on the process.
Thank you for your patience with the process. Your Bargaining Committee remains committed to achieving the goals set out in your bargaining survey.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of your Bargaining Committee, or the NSGEU Labour Resource Centre at 424-4063 (toll free 1-877-556-7438), or email us at inquiry@nsgeu.ca
Bargaining Committee:
Shauna Ferrar    shaunaferrar@hotmail.com
William Robinson williamprobinson@msn.com
Dave Moore, Chief Negotiator