Health Administrative Professionals Bargaining Update

Following our successful strike vote, your bargaining team wanted to check in with the bargaining unit and provide a brief update on things to come.

At this time, we have not yet been called back to the bargaining table by the employer. This is not unexpected, as we continue to work on creating an Essential Service Agreement which must be in place prior to us legally advancing any type of job action. Our next meeting with the employer to discuss Essential Services is on Wednesday, July 19th. After that meeting, we will either move closer to reaching an agreement or have the capacity to request the Labour Board to intervene and help move the process along.

While we continue to work on these measures, we want to show the employer that we are serious about our strike mandate and are prepared to stand behind it. In the coming weeks and months, you will hear radio ads, see flyers, and be given buttons that will help us spread our message. The end goal is that both the public and employers understand the importance of your work.

You may be requested, over the next month or so, to participate in activities such as handing out flyers, participating in information pickets, or walking in parades. These actions will help pressure the employer to return to the bargaining table and present your bargaining team with a fair and reasonable collective agreement.

Stay tuned to your union bulletin boards, email and social media sites for further information.

As always, if you have questions or concerns about the bargaining process or next steps, please contact a member of your bargaining committee or the NSGEU by calling 902-424-4063 (toll-free 1-877-556-7438) or emailing

Bargaining Committee:

Local 104 Kim Sheppard –

Local 190 Lynette Hayward-Byrd –

Local 423 Pamela Grace –

Local 1246 Mark Smith –

Local 1246 Heather Tucker –

Local 1246 Bill Zebedee –

Local 1246 Dawn Daborn –

NSGEU Deputy Chief Negotiator – Tammy Young

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