Local 92 MOAs ratified by both parties!

Local 92 members ratified the Local 99 and Local 77 MOAs on Wednesday, June 3rd. The union has just been advised that Dalhousie Board of Governors ratified the MOAs today, June 5th. Therefore, June 5, 2015 is the official ratification date you will see referenced in the MOAs.

This means effective June 5, 2015 you are either covered by either the Local 77 or the Local 99 collective agreement and the Local 77 or Local 99 Memorandum of Agreement. If you are unsure which applies to you, please let us know.

Change in payroll dates and retro pay:

Local 99 – You will continue to be paid bi-weekly. However, there is a day difference between your current AC payroll and the Local 99 payroll.

The June 25, 2015 pay is on your current AC payroll. You will receive your retro from April 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 (2% pay increase). Then on July 10, 2015 you will switch to the Local 99 payroll date (if you were still on the AC payroll, you would be paid on July 9, 2015). This pay will include the remaining retro pay.

Local 77 – You will transition to a monthly pay beginning July 27, 2015 (see Article 49.01 of the Local 77 Agreement). If the 27th of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, you get paid the day before.

The June 25, 2015 pay is on your current AC payroll. You will receive your retro from April 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 (2% pay increase). You will receive a pay on July 9th, 2015 and then again on July 27, 2015. You will receive your remaining retro on the July 27th pay. You will then continue to get paid monthly on the 27th of each month.

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