Input Needed: Government Survey on Continuing Care

We are asking members who either work in Continuing Care (including long-term care facilities and home care), as well as people who have loved ones who are in need of these services, to please take the time to give our Liberal government feedback on their plans for these critical services.

The government recently released their report, “Continuing Care – A Path to 2017,” which contains a number of recommendations for the areas of Long Term Care, Home Care, Self-Managed Care, and Occupational & Physical Therapy, and are now asking for Nova Scotians’ feedback on the document.

They state: “The province is putting forward several key directions designed to refresh and focus Continuing Care services. The proposed directions were informed by a comprehensive evaluation of services provided since 2006. Before we release our five year strategy in 2017, we want to ensure the directions we are proposing are right for Nova Scotians and that our resources are effectively and efficiently spent.”

You can find the complete reports and feedback questions online here:

It’s important that we take this opportunity to have our say on the future of Continuing Care in our province.

Thank you!

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