Additional Wage Increase Information for NSLC Members

Recently, the Province of Nova Scotia, through the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation, reached an agreement with the NSGEU with respect to an additional wage increase of one percent (1%) for NSGEU members working for the NSLC.

The agreement became necessary because the NSLC concluded its collective bargaining before other public sector locals and before the full impact of inflation was known. Subsequent negotiations for other public sector groups addressed some of the impact from growing inflation. This resulted in higher pay increases than the NSLC bargaining units were able to achieve through the course of negotiations. The new agreement fixes that difference and is reflective of what was achieved at other tables.

As a result, we are pleased to announce that members of Locals 470, 470E and 16710 will have their wages adjusted as follows:

  • Replace the existing April 1, 2023 1.5% increase with a 3% increase effective the same date;
  • Replace the existing March 31, 2024 1% increase with a 0.5% increase effective the same date.

Additionally, effective April 1, 2023, any classification earning less than $20.00 per hour will receive a $1.00 increase to their hourly rate.

These increases help address some of the impact inflation has had since the time that the original NSLC agreements were negotiated. The Employer has indicated that the new rates will be updated by June 16th pay and retroactivity to April 1, 2023 will be reflected on the June 30th pay.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Employee Relations Officer:

Rick Wiseman – Local 470

Gina Boyd – Local 470E & 1670

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