Local 179 Saint Mary’s University Bargaining Update: Collective Agreement Signed

The union is happy to announce that both parties have signed the collective agreement, and it is now in effect. Both the university and NSGEU will be putting the agreement online shortly. Hard copies of the agreement will be available once they are printed. The union has also been advised by the employer that they are working on the retroactivity at the new rates of pay. Please allow some time for this work to be done.

Thank you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your bargaining committee:

Shannon Rhode, vicepresidentlocal179@gmail.com
Ian Mayfield, imayfield@hotmail.com
Liliane Bassil, lbassil961@gmail.com
Dawn Delaney, graydawn25@gmail.com

Lead Negotiator: Dustin Rioux, drioux@nsgeu.ca

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