Local 179 – Saint Mary’s University Bargaining Update: Negotiations Continue

Contract negotiations between your employer and the union have been going well. We have met on four occasions, with the last day being February 7, 2023. We have scheduled further dates for negotiations on February 22, March 7, and March 30.

Your bargaining committee is committed and continues to work diligently toward achieving a fair collective agreement for all members of Local 179.

The union and your bargaining committee thanks you for your continued support and encourages you to look for future updates as bargaining continues.

Shannon Rhode, vicepresidentlocal179@gmail.com

Ian Mayfield, imayfield@hotmail.com

Liliane Bassil, lbassil961@gmail.com

Natasha Cabot, natashacabot22@gmail.com

Dawn Gray, graydawn25@gmail.com

Lead Negotiator: Dustin Rioux, drioux@nsgeu.ca

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