Local 179 – Saint Mary’s University Bargaining Update: Union Filing for Conciliation
As you are aware, the Employer provided your bargaining committee with a final offer. Your bargaining committee felt this offer was not good enough and recommended it be rejected by the membership. You played a vital role in the bargaining process yesterday by voting on the Employer’s final offer. You made your voices heard. Yesterday, 84% of those who voted, voted to REJECT the final offer!
Your bargaining committee thanks you for standing up and sending a clear message that this offer is not good enough. As such, your Union will be applying for the help of conciliation services through the Department of Labour and Advanced Education.
What is Conciliation? Conciliation is a requirement under the Nova Scotia Trade Union Act that takes place when regular negotiations fail to reach an agreement. Either party may apply to the Minister of Labour and Advanced Education requesting the services of a Conciliation Officer. The Conciliation Officer does not have the power to impose a settlement on either party. Instead, their role is to mediate between the parties and help them reach an agreement.
Once we have dates confirmed with the Conciliator, NSGEU will send out another update.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your bargaining committee:
Shannon Rhode, vicepresidentlocal179@gmail.com
Ian Mayfield, imayfield@hotmail.com
Liliane Bassil, lbassil961@gmail.com
Dawn Delaney, graydawn25@gmail.com
Lead Negotiator: Dustin Rioux, drioux@nsgeu.ca