Local 70 – South Shore Regional School Board – Bargaining Underway

Your Bargaining Committee met with the employer on January 8, 2013 to exchange bargaining proposals for renewal of your collective agreement.  A copy of the proposals tabled on your behalf will be mailed to you for information.  The Bargaining Committee thanks all those who provided input by responding to the Bargaining Input Survey.  Your feedback is very important in identifying the issues and improvements that you would like to see in your collective agreement, and the Committee is committed to achieving the best possible agreement on your behalf

Negotiations with the employer continued on January 15, 2013.  Talks have been cordial, and have centered mostly on non-monetary, operational issues so far.  We have been discussing items such as union representation and provision of information, job sharing, Employee Assistance Program, and some language corrections and changes that are essentially housekeeping in nature.

Due to a change in assignments in the union head office, Employee Relations Officer Dave Moore is now the Chief Negotiator for your Local, and will be arranging dates to continue bargaining in the very near future.  Nicole McKim is the Employee Relations Officer now assigned to servicing the Local.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a member of your Bargaining Committee or the NSGEU Labour Resource Centre at 424-4063 or e-mail us at inquiry@nsgeu.ca.

Bargaining Committee

Paul McEachern – pmceachern@ssrsb.ca

Barb Nauss – barbnauss@ampryor.com

Donna Rowlands – rowalandsd@staff.ednet.ns.ca

Dave Moore, Chief Negotiator




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