Local 70 – South Shore Regional Centre for Education Bargaining Update
Good afternoon,
Your bargaining committee met with the employer and Conciliation Officer, Rick Rose, on July 12th, 2022. Unfortunately, there was no update from the province, and we did not receive a final offer. The parties, including the Conciliator, have agreed to schedule a fourth and final session on September 15th, 2022. This will allow time for employer to receive direction from the province or for us to move to the next step in the bargaining process.
What is Conciliation? Conciliation is a requirement under the Nova Scotia Trade Union Act that takes place when regular negotiations fail to reach an agreement. Either party may apply to the Minister of Labour and Advanced Education requesting the services of a Conciliation Officer. The Conciliation Officer does not have the power to impose a settlement on either party. Instead, their role is to mediate between the parties and help them reach an agreement
Your bargaining committee appreciates your solidarity and support throughout this process.
Please watch for future updates and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the NSGEU or a member of your committee.
Bargaining Committee
Bev Waddell, bevwadd@hotmail.com
Tracey Cook, tl.cook@hotmail.com
Stacey Jensen, fun-e-layde@hotmail.com
Chief Negotiator Lloyd Samson, LSamson@nsgeu.ca