Local 77 – Dalhousie University & Local 92-77 – Dalhousie Agricultural Campus Negotiations Continue

Contract negotiations between the employer and the union have been going well. We met on on February 23 and 24 where we discussed wages and other monetary items. Further dates have been set for March 20 and 21.

The bargaining committee is committed and continues to work diligently toward achieving a fair collective agreement for all members of the local.

Questions or concerns? Feel free to contact one of the Bargaining Committee Representatives:

Local 77 Aaron Bowering, a_bowering@hotmail.com

Local 92-77 Craig Fraser, craig.fraser@dal.ca

Local 77 John Kyle, nsgeu@johnkyle.ca

Local 77 Cherilyn MacIntosh, macintoshsheri@gmail.com

Local 77 Tammy Zinck, tammyzinck@hotmail.com

Chief Negotiator Nicole McKim, nmckim@nsgeu.ca

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