Conferences are an excellent way to share ideas, experiences, and to learn from one another! Our members, through their work on provincial committees, organize a variety of workshops and conferences.
Women’s Conference: Three-quarters of NSGEU’s members are women. Each year since 1999, the Women’s Issues Committee (WIC) has hosted a women’s conference, normally in April. This conference provides an opportunity for women to identify workplace issues and concerns and strategize about how to improve their working lives.
Administrative Professionals Conference: Every two years, in April, on even numbered years, the NSGEU hosts a conference specifically for administrative professionals. The NSGEU represents over 6,000 administrative professionals across the province. This conference gives our members an opportunity to come together to discuss issues related to their occupation. The NSGEU’s administrative professionals committee plans and hosts this conference.
NSGEU Human Rights Conference: The NSGEU’s human rights conferences may be hosted at the discretion of the NSGEU’s Human Rights Committee, with the approval of the Board of Directors.
NSGEU Health, Safety & Environment Conference: Health, safety and environment conferences may be hosted at the discretion of the NSGEU’s Health, Safety and Environment Committee (HSE) with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Other Labour Conferences: Along with the conferences organized by the NSGEU, there are also opportunities for active members to attend conferences held by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour (NSFL) or the National Union of Public & General Employees (NUPGE). Members’ participation in these conferences is subject to the approval of the NSGEU Board of Directors.