Community Social Service Workers Day


Nov 06, 2022 (All day)


This is not an event – but a Day of Recognition for our Community Social Service Workers

Community services is a sector that is repeatedly underfunded by governments. Many of the services are invisible to the world, unless you rely on one of them. Counselling, income support, homeless shelters, child protection, and providing resources for people with disabilities are just some of the services that always have had to do more with less.

Every year, on November 6, Community Services Worker Day, NSGEU and the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE)  honours the workers who put their hearts into everything they do. To make up for funding shortfalls, they hold bake sales to ensure their clients have what they need. They work all hours, and even longer, to make sure the people they care for are treated with dignity and respect. They challenge the powerful and the systems entrenched in society that prevent people from living their lives to the fullest. They give hope to some of the most vulnerable people in society by showing up for them every day.

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