Local 92 General Meeting and Vote


Dec 17, 2015 - 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM


Dalhousie Agricultural Campus, Cox Institute
50 Pictou Road, Truro, NS

Date: Thursday, December 17, 2015

Time: 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.

Place: Cox Institute, Room 24, Dalhousie Agricultural Campus, Truro

Come out, vote, and play a role in determining the Local structure of your union.

Due to the merger of the Agricultural College with Dalhousie University, members of Local 92, are now either covered by the collective agreements of Local 77, Dalhousie Staff Association, or Local 99, Dalhousie Operational Support. With this change, the Local leadership has considered the best governing structure for the Local on a go forward basis. There are two options: to become sub-locals of Local 99 and Local 77 in Truro; or, to remain an independent local, Local 92, with all the entitlements under the constitution.

On September 17, ERO Tina Webber and President Joan Jessome met with the Executives of Local 99, 77, and 92 to hear their thoughts and discuss options. The Executive of Local 92 has recommended and requested their local remain with all the entitlements of a full local subject to ratification by the membership.

The NSGEU Board of Directors has approved this request.


Questions and Answers:

What are the benefits of remaining Local 92?

The benefits of remaining your own Local include:

  • You will continue to hold your own Local meetings at your campus rather than attending a Local 77 or Local 99 meeting by travel or videoconferencing.
  • You will maintain all your rights under the NSGEU constitution and by-laws including Local Executive, Local Stewards, number of delegates to convention, and Local imprest account.

Why isn’t the Local Executive recommending we become a sub-local of Local 77 and 99?

  • Becoming sub-locals would mean you would determine your entitlements to convention and Local funds as part of Local 77 and Local 99.

What is a sub-local?

Within the NSGEU local structure, sub-locals can be set up for groups of members who work in different geographic areas. For example, where the Nova Scotia Community College is province-wide, the province is divided up in a number of sub-locals. Each sub-local has its own sub-local executives with an umbrella Local executive committee representing the entire local.

If we remain Local 92, will we have our own Bargaining Committee and negotiate directly with Dalhousie?

If you remain Local 92, or choose a sub-local structure, you will not have a separate Bargaining Committee because the Bargaining Committees are determined by the collective agreements. Members of Local 92 will be able to run for the Bargaining Committees of Local 77 and Local 99. This would be the same if you were a sub-local of Local 77 and 99.

If we remain Local 92, how will we ensure that communication occurs between Local 92 and Local 77 or Local 99?

Local 92, Local 77, and Local 99 will all need to change their Local by-laws to ensure there is communication between the Locals on complaints/grievances and collective bargaining on workplace issues that are held in common and on those that differ.

NSGEU President Joan Jessome will work with the Executives of Local 77, 92 and 99 to ensure the necessary structures are set-up for ongoing communications and bargaining by amending local by-laws to address these items.

Who will our Employee Relations Officer (ERO) be if we are covered by two collective agreements?

At this time, there are two different EROs servicing the Local 77 and 99 collective agreements.

Tina Webber is assigned to the Local 77 collective agreement which covers both campuses and Darryl Warren is assigned to the Local 99 collective agreement which covers both campuses.

This coverage remains the same whether members choose to remain Local 92, or choose a sub-local structure.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the NSGEU at 902-424-4063 or toll-free at 1-877-556-7438 or email at inquiry@nsgeu.ca.

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