Celebrate Canada’s Parks Day, Sat. July 16, 2016.

Canada’s Parks Day takes place the 3rd Saturday of July each year. This year it is Sat. July 16th.

NSGEU members work throughout the Nova Scotia park system. They are the people who greet you when you arrive at a provincial park; they can help you pick out the best campsite; they help you if you have any questions or concerns; they assist with first aid situations and help keep you safe; they teach you about the natural environment and host activities; and they maintain the park so it is ready for you when you visit.

During Parks Day, there will be many activities at parks across the province.

Come out and spend some time at a provincial park!

The Nova Scotia Government website has a link to events being held at parks throughout Nova Scotia on Canada Parks Day, July 16th. http://parks.novascotia.ca/events?field_date_value[value]&page=1

They have a page devoted to Canada Parks Day as well, but as of July 5, it wasn’t updated. You can try it to see: http://parks.novascotia.ca/parks-day

For the Nova Scotia Provincial Parks Facebook page click here: https://www.facebook.com/NSProvincialParks/

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