Civil Service Master Agreement Bargaining Update: Conciliation Dates Rescheduled Due to Election

Dear Civil Service members,

Your Union Negotiating Committee (UNC) has agreed to reschedule dates for conciliation originally set for August due to the ongoing election and the lack of a mandate during this period. The new conciliation dates are September 16 and 23, 2021.

What is Conciliation? Conciliation is a requirement under the Nova Scotia Trade Union Act that takes place when regular negotiations fail to reach an agreement. Either party may apply to the Minister of Labour and Advanced Education requesting the services of a Conciliation Officer. The Conciliation Officer does not have the power to impose a settlement on either party. Instead, their role is to mediate between the parties and help them reach an agreement. 

Your Bargaining Committee appreciates your solidarity and support through this process.

Please watch for updates and share this information with your coworkers. If they haven’t received this email, let them know they should contact the union to confirm their email address.

If you have any questions about bargaining or the bargaining process, please contact a member of your Bargaining Committee below. You can also call the NSGEU at 1-877-556-7438 (toll-free) or

Your Union Negotiating Committee (UNC):

Clerical (CL)

Chair – Tammy Gillis, Local 2 –

Vice-Chair – Sherry Dennis, Local 7 –

Professional (PR)

Chair – David Brewster, Local 4 –

Vice-Chair – Scott Hart, Local 8 –

Technical (TS)

Chair – Hugh Gillis, Local 480 –

Vice-Chair – Holly Martin, Local 17 –

Chief Negotiators:

Odette MacLeod, NSGEU Servicing Coordinator,

Jim Gosse, NSGEU Servicing Coordinator,

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