Local 101 NSHA Nursing: Code Census Concerns Discussed, Next Steps

Good afternoon,

The NSGEU executive and Local 101 executive team met with members at the regularly scheduled Local 101 meeting last night. A variety of agenda items were discussed, but the most pressing issue was the status of Code Census at the QEII Health Sciences Centre (and the HI site, in particular).

We heard clearly that nurses are very concerned about management’s decision to strictly enforce a directive that requires patients be admitted to floors where there is no space for them when the hospital is in “Code Census.” Based on the feedback we have received from members, we have raised a number of questions and concerns with the employer, and together with Local 101 Executive and members, we have developed a plan of action.

NSGEU staff, legal counsel and nurses will immediately strike a working committee to create recommendations and actions which will improve the situation created by ongoing Code Census at the hospitals. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, or even if you simply want to share your own experience with this directive in confidence, please email inquiry@nsgeu.ca with “Code Census” in the subject line.

The NSGEU will also be sending letters outlining our members’ concerns to the Minister of Health & Wellness, Premier, and licensing bodies.

We expect to have the committee’s actions and recommendations soon, and will advise the membership at that time. I appreciate the feedback and support of Local 101 members, and hope these actions will resolve some of the workload and safety concerns that are being raised.

In solidarity,

Jason MacLean

President, NSGEU

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