Local 103 – Eastern Mainland Housing Authority Contract Ratified!

Dear Local 103 member,

Your Bargaining Committee is pleased to announce that last night your new collective agreement was ratified.

Congratulations on your new collective agreement.

The Bargaining Committee and Employer will now work to prepare your new agreement for printing and ultimately distribution to the membership.

We want to take this opportunity once again to thank the members of the Bargaining Committee who worked very hard during this round of negotiations and represented you well at the negotiation table. We would also like to thank the members of Local 103 who attended the information session, asked questions and participated in the voting process.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee

Kathy Dewtie Kathy.dewtie@novascotia.ca

Krista MacLane krista.maclane@novascotia.ca

Elizabeth Kanyikwa ekanyikwa@nsgeu.ca

Employee Relations Officer

Robin MacLean rmaclean@nsgeu.ca

Executive Director / Chief Negotiator

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