Local 53 – Halifax Regional School Board Bargaining Update

As you are likely aware, this round of negotiations has been unique and challenging for the NSGEU. With the looming threat of wage restraint through Bill 148, the NSTU dispute and regular school shut down periods, it has been particularly difficult to schedule dates to meet with the Employer at the Bargaining table.

The enactment of Bill 148 remains an issue, but we are pleased to inform you that your Bargaining Committee is prepared to begin negotiations on November 29 and 30, and are hopeful that progress will be made. We will advise you of further dates, once they are scheduled.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of your bargaining committee:

Wendy Forrest wforrest60@gmail.com

Rachael Knight rczski@yahoo.ca

Anne McCrate ringettemomx3@gmail.com

Lyn Smith lynsmith@accesswave.ca

Nicole McKim, Chief Negotiator nmckim@nsgeu.ca

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