Local 64 – Colchester Residential Services Society Bargaining Update

Dear Local 64 members,

Your bargaining committee met with your employer on Thursday, March 14th and Friday, March 15th to resume negotiations.

Both days were productive as we work towards reaching a new tentative agreement for your local, and we hope to have an agreement to bring forward to the members soon.

If you have any questions or concerns about the bargaining process or the steps to come, please contact a member of your bargaining committee or the NSGEU by calling 902-424-4063 (toll-free 1-877-556-7438) or emailing inquiry@nsgeu.ca

Carla Connors (carlafanning1@hotmail.com)

Tina Devine (tinamaba@hotmail.com)

Ashlee Wiseman (ashleeewiseman@outlook.com)

Katie Wentzell (wentzell_katie@hotmail.com)


Rick Wiseman, Chief Negotiator



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