Local 66 – Regional Residential Services Society Bargaining Update: Proposals Completed

Good morning,

The union and members of your bargaining committee have finalized their bargaining proposals, and are now prepared to exchange proposals with your employer. We are currently in the process of reaching out to the employer to schedule dates for the proposal exchange and additional bargaining dates.

Please stay tuned for further updates. If you have questions about the bargaining process or next steps, please contact the NSGEU by calling 902-424-4063 (toll-free 1-877-556-7438) or by emailing inquiry@nsgeu.ca. You can also contact a member of your bargaining committee:

Mary Atwater – marywhiteatwater@gmail.com

Terri Barry – Tl.barry@hotmail.com

Natalie Hillier – nhillier14@gmail.com

Charlene Weaver – Charlene.weaver@bellaliant.net

Tracey Best, Negotiator, TBest@nsgeu.ca

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