Local 84 – Cape Breton County Homemakers – Proposals Exchanged

Your bargaining committee met with your employer on Thursday, June 6th to exchange bargaining proposals. The committee also met with the employer to continue negotiations on Thursday, June 13th.

Copies of the proposals are being mailed out to all members of Local 84. The bargaining proposals do not include all monetary items at this point, as they are going to be exchanged at a common table at a later date.

The common table will have bargaining committees from three home support locals, including three representatives from your bargaining committee. An update and a copy of those proposals will be sent to all members of Local 84 at that time.

If you have any questions or concerns about this process, please don’t hesitate to contact your bargaining committee or the NSGEU at 424-4063 (1-877-556-7438 toll-free) or inquiry@nsgeu.ca

Bargaining Committee:

Clayton Smith



Annette Power



Nancy MacDonald



Cristine Marchand



Donnie MacNeil, Chief Negotiator



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