Local 87 – Parkland at the Lakes Bargaining Update: Union Files for Conciliation
Good afternoon,
Your bargaining committee exchanged proposals with your employer on February 24th, 2021. Since then, we have had some agreement on additional language gains, however, on the sixth day of bargaining, the employer finally countered with their wage proposals as part of a “package deal,” which essentially meant, “take it or leave it.” Your bargaining committee felt there was nothing to be gained by this “package deal” for most of the membership.
Frankly, the employer’s wage offer was insulting to the members, many of whom take public transportation, and all of whom risk their own safety to ensure they meet the needs of the clients at Parkland at the Lakes, as our Province battles the third wave of COVID-19.
The employer agreed to a three-year collective agreement September 1st, 2020 to September 1st, 2023. However, the increments offered were 0.25%, 1% and 1%. The only other monetary offer that was made was for parity for the LPNs in your local, with them obtaining the .25% raise September 1st, 2020, and parity the date of signing the new collective agreement. They would receive no retro and they would not be eligible for the 1% increment September 1st, 2021 but would obtain the 1% increment September 1st, 2022.
It became clear on our last day of bargaining (Wednesday, May 12th) that we had reached an impasse. The union has filed for conciliation, and we are hoping to have dates scheduled within the next four to six weeks.
What is Conciliation? Conciliation is a requirement under the Nova Scotia Trade Union Act that takes place when regular negotiations fail to reach an agreement. Either party may apply to the Minister of Labour and Advanced Education requesting the services of a Conciliation Officer. The Conciliation Officer does not have the power to impose a settlement on either party. Instead, their role is to mediate between the parties and help them reach an agreement.
We need your support! We have gone as far as we can go at this stage and will be holding a very important strike vote to back our bargaining demands at conciliation. Those of you who went through this process with last year probably remember that this is a key step in ensuring our success, as it proved to be during the last round.
It is critical that we get a strong rejection of the employer’s final offer to put pressure on the employer during the conciliation process. It is important to note that this is NOT a vote that will initiate a strike: another vote will be held on whatever offer or agreement comes out of the conciliation process.
We are committed to reaching a tentative agreement that your bargaining committee can recommend to you. The outstanding issues are as follows:
- Article 9 Grievance Procedure
- Article 16 Payment of Wages for 12-hr Fulltime Rotations
- Article 17 Bereavement Leave Article
- 17 Sick Time- General Leave Article
- 18 Vacation Article
- 20 Responsibility Pay
- Article 22 Retirement Savings Plan
- Article 27 Duration of Agreement
- New Miscellaneous Conditions
- New Provisions of Protective Clothing
- New Pandemic Premiums and Required Screening and Testing New Pay Provisions
- New Wage Parity for LPNs- MOA
- New Wage Parity for CSA with meds (CMA)-
- MOA Schedule A Wages
- MOA#2 Smooth Week Schedule
We are planning a meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 18th at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom (you can join this call by phone if you’d prefer). You can join this meeting by clicking https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6119291225?pwd=d0ZRU0JweXFUeGc5T3R1TlFCVUZGZz09
or calling 855 703 8985 (Meeting ID: 611 929 1225 & Passcode: 511510).
NSGEU President Jason MacLean and NSGEU staff members, including your Chief Negotiator Trish MacDonald and Coordinator Jim Gosse, will be in attendance at this meeting, as well as members of your bargaining committee, to answer your questions.
Please make every effort to attend this meeting and help spread the word among your co-workers.
Bargaining Committee:
Trish MacDonald, Chief Negotiator 902-424-4063 tmacdonald@nsgeu.ca
April Sampson 902- 220-1576 themilletts21@gmail.com
Stacie Chatterton 902-414-5768 staciechatterton@gmail.com