LOCAL 93 94 95 -Cancellation of Important Meeting & Vote on Tentative Agreement

Please be advised the voting sessions scheduled May 5 through to May 8 for DHAs 1 to 8 have been CANCELLED.  In an effort to allow as many members as possible the opportunity to vote, a mail-in vote will be used and a telephone Town Hall will be scheduled to provide information on the tentative agreement and answer any questions or concerns you may have.  The details of the Town Hall and mail-in vote will be sent out from NSGEU by the end of the week.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of your bargaining committee or the NSGEU at 424-4063 (toll-free 1-877-556-7438) or by email at inquiry@nsgeu.ca.

Bargaining Committee:

Local 93

Charles Casselman – charlie.casselman@cehha.nshealth.ca

Sheri Cunningham – sheri.cunningham@pcha.nshealth.ca

Monika Harvey – monika.harvey@cha.nshealth.ca

Local 94

Edwina Boyd – boyde@cbdha.nshealth.ca

Michelle Dockrill – michelle.nsgeulocal94@gmail.com

Lois MacDougall – lois.macdougall@live.ca

Local 95

Darlene Harrietha – dharrietha@ssdha.nshealth.ca

Belinda Davidson – bdavidson@avdha.nshealth.ca

Joanne Fairfax – jfairfax@avdha.nshealth.ca

Donnie MacNeil, Chief Negotiator

424-4063 or 1-877-556-7438

Jo-Ann Bailey, Chief Negotiator

424-4063 or 1-877-556-7438

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