Local 97 CDHA Nursing – Bargaining Proposals to be Exchanged
Your bargaining committee has met on six separate occasions to review the bargaining input surveys completed by members, and to finalize bargaining proposals. The NSGEU has also conducted in-depth research into a number of work/life concerns many members raised within these surveys.
We plan to exchange finalized bargaining proposals with your employer on Thursday, September 26th, and will be scheduling additional bargaining dates with your employer following the exchange of proposals. Once our bargaining proposals are finalized, we will be sure to advise you of the demands the committee is seeking on your behalf, and when we plan to meet at the bargaining table.
Your bargaining committee thanks you for your ongoing support.
If you have any questions please contact a member of your Bargaining Committee or the NSGEU Labour Resource Centre at 424-4063 or toll free at 1-877-556-7438.
Bargaining Committee
Susan Dobbin susandobbin@accesswave.ca
Karen Ferguson karenlocal97@live.ca
Janice Nicholson 488-7100
Rebecca Norris rebeccanorris1@hotmail.com
Kim Slack akslack@eastlink.ca
Linda Power, Chief Negotiator lhpower@eastlink.ca
Lynette Johnson, Negotiator ljohnson@nsgeu.ca