Locals 89/90/91 – Tentative Agreement Ratified
Your bargaining committee wishes to advise the membership that your tentative agreement has been ratified by 99%. You have a new collective agreement which runs from:
April 1, 2012 to October 31, 2014
Thank you for supporting your bargaining committee who worked hard on your behalf for this collective agreement.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of your bargaining committee, or the NSGEU: 424-4063; toll-free: 1-877-556-7438; or by email:inquiry@nsgeu.ca.
Bargaining Committee
Local 89
Heather Ann L Day hday@ssdha.nshealth.ca
Michael C Joudrey mjoudrey@ssdha.nshealth.ca
Donna M Norman donna.bucky@ns.sympatico.ca
Local 90
Michelle Lee Doucette mdoucette_411@hotmail.com
Robyn Goodwin pubnico@ns.sympatico.ca
Wanda J Reid finance.rh@swndha.nshealth.ca
Local 91
Pearl Esther Galley pgalley@avdha.nshealth.ca
Shelley A Hill sahill@avdha.nshealth.ca
Colleen Justice cjustice@avdha.nshealth.ca
Tony Bremner, ERO and Negotiator
424-4063 or 1-877-556-7438