Commuters may have noticed a new ad playing on the radio during their drive to work this morning: the NSGEU has launched a new radio spot to bring attention to the Liberal government’s recent cuts to parks, tourism and child welfare.

The radio spot highlights the value of the services our public sector workers provide, and how communities, families and local businesses will suffer when people lose good paying jobs. The ads are just the first part of a campaign to fight back against the government’s plans to cut the public services.

“This government has already made significant cuts: they’ve eliminated jobs in our parks and child welfare services in rural communities, closed Visitor Information Centres in Pictou and Digby, and announced they plan to privatize more public services,” said NSGEU President Joan Jessome.

“We expect they will announce further cuts in their budget, and want to make sure the public is made aware of what Nova Scotians stand to lose.”

The radio spot is just the first phase of a significant media campaign from the NSGEU, which will roll out over the coming months.

The radio spot is attached to this email.


The Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union represents over 30,000 women and men who provide quality public services Nova Scotian’s count on every day.

For more information, please contact:

Holly Fraughton, NSGEU Communications Officer

424.4063 (office)

471.1781 (cell)


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