Media Release: Stephen McNeil misleads on Bill 148

Stephen McNeil intentionally misled people into thinking he sent Bill 148 to the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal for an opinion, when in fact he has not.

“Stephen McNeil told people that he sent Bill 148 to the courts for an opinion. We now know that he has only sent parts of the bill that are favourable to him and his anti-worker agenda,” said Jason MacLean, President of the Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union. “This was a dishonest attempt to trick people into thinking a favourable court opinion would be a win for him. Our members deserve clarity not more games from this Premier.”

The McNeil government press release states:

Premier McNeil also announced the legislation would be referred to the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal under the Constitutional Questions Act to obtain the court’s opinion on the now proclaimed law. 

“The Premier needs to understand this is not a game to the 75,000 hard working people who rely on the benefits and wages they have earned and count on. To strip them of their rights, give misleading statements to the media and then hide in his office when he gets called out is dishonest and inexcusable,” said MacLean.

Premier McNeil insisted he had confidence in the legislation and that a court opinion would provide clarity to the bargaining process.

“This was an intentional deception to create confusion and chaos for 75,000 working people,” said MacLean. “He hopes that the chaos hides the fact that Bill 148 strips away a freely negotiated and long held benefit from collective agreements and this will most likely not stand a constitutional challenge.”

“It’s clear that Stephen McNeil has no confidence in his own legislation and has to resort to misleading statements. Everything he does is designed to advance his own personal agenda. That includes steam rolling over working families.”

“He’s shown he is ok with misleading the public, but I have to question if he’s been honest with his own MLAs or were they part of the deception as well? I ask all MLAs to hold the Premier accountable and do what he promised to do – send the entire Bill 148 to the court. That would provide the clarity we all deserve.”


The Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union represents over 30,000 women and men who provide quality public services Nova Scotians count on every day.

For more information, please contact:

Deedee Slye, Communications Officer

902-497-6761 or

NSGEU Communications Office

902-424-4063 (office) 877-556.7438 (toll free)

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