Health Care Bargaining Update – Tentative Agreement Reached
Good afternoon,
Late this afternoon, your bargaining committee reached a tentative agreement that they are recommending to the membership for acceptance.
After spending an additional two days at the table with the employers and the Conciliation Officer, the committee was finally offered an agreement that included suitable wage and language improvements.
As a result, the Council is suspending the strike vote which began yesterday (Monday, July 5th) and will instead be holding a ratification vote in the near future.
Tomorrow (Wednesday, July 7th) NSGEU will go ahead with our previously scheduled Telephone Town Hall meeting for 7:30 p.m. We will use that time to discuss the offer that the committee will be asking you to vote on. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and make comments during that call (you should have already received an invite email and phone call to this event: if you did not, please call the NSGEU at 902-424-4063, toll-free 1-877-556-7438 or email
Please make every effort to participate in this meeting.
We will be sending a ratification document to all members who are in our database in coming days, which will include voter information. We will schedule additional information meetings, as well, so please keep an eye on your email.
Your bargaining committee appreciates the patience and support you have shown throughout this process.
If you have any questions or concerns about the bargaining process, please contact a member of your bargaining committee:
Local 122 Sara Jane Arason,
Local 195 Uta Berthold-Brush,
Local 100 Allan Lapierre,
Local 122 Peter Perry,
Local 100 Cindy Smith,
Local 100 Christopher Weaver,
Chief Negotiator Shawn Fuller,