Local 21 – Health Link 811 Bargaining Update: Proposals Exchanged

Dear Local 21 members,

Your Bargaining Committee met with the employer and exchanged proposals on February 25th, and 26th, 2019. Opening talks were very cordial and significant progress has been made on non-monetary items.

If you are a member of Local 21 and would like a copy of the proposals, please contact the NSGEU. Further bargaining dates have been scheduled for March 19th, and 20th, 2019. A Local meeting will be held following these dates for further information and updates.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of your Bargaining Committee, or the NSGEU at 424-4063 (toll free 1-877-556- 7438), or e-mail us at inquiry@nsgeu.ca

Elayne Smith, elaynesmith21@gmail.com

Claudia Belize, cbelzile22@hotmail.com

Chief Negotiator Gina Boyd, gboyd@nsgeu.ca

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