NSGEU Media Release: New Executive Elected, Delegates Vote to Take Action Against Nova Scotia Liberals

May 14, 2016

New Executive Elected, Delegates Vote to Take Action Against Nova Scotia Liberals

During the final day of NSGEU’s Triennial Convention, a new Executive team – consisting of President, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Vice-Presidents, and Secretary-Treasurer – was elected by delegates.

Jason MacLean, a Correctional Officer from Sydney, was acclaimed as the union’s President. This position was vacated by Joan Jessome, who served as the union’s President for 17 years.

“I am incredibly honoured to serve as President of the NSGEU,” said President Jason MacLean.

“We span this province, Sisters and Brothers, and we’re going to show the rest of Nova Scotia who NSGEU is and show the diversity we have in this union,” MacLean told delegates, “I don’t want us to be apologetic for who we are and what we do, the wages we make and the pensions we have. I want us to say, you should have it too,’ and I want us to be able to inspire the rest of Nova Scotians to be union members.”

Sandra Mullen, a Licensing Officer with the Department of Community Services in Yarmouth, was elected as 1st Vice-President; Shawna Boudreau, a Registered Nurse for the Nova Scotia Health Authority, was elected as 2nd Vice-President; Kim Jenkins, an Administrative Assistant with the IWK and utility workers with the Nova Scotia Health Authority was elected as 3rd Vice-President; and Darren McPhee, a Community Care Worker for the Department of Community Services was acclaimed as Secretary-Treasurer.

Delegates also passed a number of key resolutions Friday, paving the way for the union to take decisive action against the anti-worker Liberal government during the union’s upcoming three-year term.

“This union has faced attack after attack since Stephen McNeil was elected in 2013,” said President Jason MacLean.

“We are well aware that there is an election right around the corner, and thanks to the overwhelming support of our delegates, we’ll be doing everything in own power to ensure the Liberals feel the pain they have inflicted upon on the working people of Nova Scotia.”

The 319 voting delegates in attendance at Convention showed unanimous support for two key resolutions: the first will allow the NSGEU to take all necessary measures to defeat McNeil Liberal MLAs in the next General Election, and the second states that all NSGEU bargaining committees shall refuse to voluntarily accept any offer from employers covered by Bill 148, including the Liberal government’s objective of a four-year wage pattern of 0, 0, 1, 1.5 & 0.5 per cent and the prohibition of accrual of retirement allowance benefits after April 1, 2015.

There were a number of other resolutions passed to ensure the NSGEU can continue to effectively fight against privatization and contracting out, work collaboratively with other unions on matters of common interest, and launch a coalition to speak out in support of fair and equitable treatment of Nova Scotia families by the provincial government.



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