Time Sensitive Issue – Major Governance Changes Being Considered for CNA

As you may know, the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) is considering a major change to its governance structure, and will be making a decision on this important matter very soon at its Annual Meeting on June 19.  The NSGEU Nurses Council is quite concerned about this possible change and what it may mean for our RN members.

Our concerns thus far include:

  • Voting is occurring at an AGM next Wednesday that is not well attended.  There will not be much opportunity for good or varied conversations.
  • Only one month of awareness was given on this significant issue
  • Model B is the model getting more support; however, there is no mechanism for the nomination or the election process
  • In order to be elected, a NSGEU member must be an RN in good standing and affiliated professionally. This seems to mean that because we are not a member of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Union (which NSNU is), the only way a NSGEU member could be elected to the CNA board position for Nova Scotia depends solely on whether or not s/he is on the CRNNS council or its committees. This needs to be addressed as it may pertain to voting as well!

The NSGEU is planning to respond to the CNA about these proposed changes, but we need your input to do so.  Information about these changes can be found in the attached article from the May 2013 issue of the Canadian Nurse.  You can also go to the CNA website at cna-aiic.ca or to the CNA magazine for more information.

Please send your comments and concerns to inquiry@nsgeu.ca by Monday, June 17.  We are planning to write to the CNA that evening in advance of their annual meeting.

In solidarity

Joan Jessome                   Karen Ferguson

NSGEU President            Chairperson, NSGEU Nurses Council

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