NSGEU’s Education Officer, Lori Smith, has been leading the development of some new Education Courses and initiatives. There were many plans that had to shift due to public health guidelines and COVID. All planned classes were cancelled through the summer. “Steward Orientation”, “Dealing with Workplace Conflict” and “Domestic Violence-Why is it a Workplace Issue?” resumed in September with distancing/mask measures in place.

  • NSGEU 101 – a primer course on the NSGEU which is open to any member in good standing and covers the history, structure, and purpose of our union. “NSGEU 101” will be offered as an online interactive course and will be ready to go in the near future.
  • Steward Orientation – An online “Steward Orientation” course is being developed. It will be open to any official Steward and will include discussion and tools to develop the skills of Stewards to educate, communicate, advocate, lead, be a resource, and handle grievances.
  • Dealing with Workplace Conflict – This day long course is open to a Local Executive Member or a Steward who has completed Steward Orientation Workshop. In this course we will define and analyze conflict and look at the range of processes aimed at alleviating or eliminating sources of conflict in the workplace. We will also look at mediation and its role in conflict resolution.
  • Domestic Violence – Why is it a Workplace Issue? –  This half day course is open to anyone who is a Chief Steward. We will discuss and provide the tools the Chief Steward needs to support members who are impacted by domestic violence.
  • Continued training on OH&S provided upon request by our OH&S Officer, Paul Cormier where possible in a safe way.
  • Continued training on Pensions and Benefits provided upon request by our Pension and Benefits Officer, Corinne Carey, where possible in a safe way.
  • We have toolkits for members of Local Executives and we have supplemental packages with information about ‘Running Effective Meetings’, ‘Rules of Order’, and a guidebook to holding Local Elections.
  • Weeklong School has been cancelled for 2021.
  • We have new educational videos, which are receiving great reviews, including an introduction to the NSGEU and short introductions to Local Executive roles as well as one on Labour/Management Committees, and Rules of Order.
  • We have a new member library off of the Solarium in the member office area. These books include children’s books, so take some time to go discover what we have there.
  • We are developing a “Bargaining Toolkit”.
  • Local Officer Zoom training was held on June 22nd – 38 members participated. This same training by zoom will be offered again in the late Fall.
  • There will be ongoing training with Occupational Councils on workplace mapping.

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