Local 61 – Canadian Association of Community Living, Antigonish Branch Conciliation Dates Set
Oct 23, 2013 - 2:19 PM - 3:19 PMVenue
As many of you are aware, talks between your bargaining committee and your employer reached an impasse on October 1st, 2013.
The union filed for conciliation on October 3rd.
What is Conciliation? Conciliation is the process of intervention in collective bargaining by a neutral third party knowledgeable in effective negotiation procedures. This third party is called a ‘Conciliator’. This person helps employers and trade unions reach a collective agreement but has no authority to make decisions. Conciliators are appointed by the Minister of Labour and Workforce Development (or a delegate) at the written request of one or both parties to assist with collective bargaining when negotiations have broken down.
There was some delay in finalizing dates for conciliation, but a date has been set for Tuesday, November 19th.
Please stay tuned for further updates.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of your bargaining committee or the NSGEU at 424-4063 (toll free 1-877-556- 7438), or e-mail us at inquiry@nsgeu.ca.
Bargaining Committee
Anthony Borden  willaborden@gmail.com
Debbie Bowie    debbiebowie@live.com
Mark MacDonald  markemacdonald@hotmail.com
Dave Lawrence, Chief Negotiator