Local 92 Strike Vote Session


Jan 16, 2015 - 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Dalhousie Agricultural Campus
62 Cumming Drive, Truro, NS, B2N 5E3, Canada

The Union held information and strike vote sessions on January 8 and 13 which were very well attended. As requested by Local 92 members, we have added more strike vote sessions. If you have not yet voted, you are encouraged to do so at the following session.

Friday, January 16, 2015
12 noon to 2 p.m.
Room 211, Cox Institute

Please let us know if you still want to vote but are not able to on January 16, 2015. We are in the process of arranging space for voting on January 21st. Also, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact any member of your bargaining committee.

Bargaining Committee:

Tom Cole - thomascole5@hotmail.com

Margie Hartling - mhartling@dal.ca

Rachel Kennedy - rrkennedy@dal.ca

Gisele Mazerolle - Gisele.mazerolle@dal.ca

Keiren Tompkins, Chief Negotiator, ktompkins@nsgeu.ca

Tina Webber, Employee Relations Officer twebber@nsgeu.ca

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