A Message from President Jason MacLean

Dear members,
I think we had all hoped we would manage to avoid a third wave of COVID-19 here in Nova Scotia.
Nevertheless, here we are. We are experiencing the highest daily case numbers since this pandemic began in March 2020, as highly contagious variants have now emerged within our province.
We are all frustrated and exhausted – this pandemic has taken an enormous toll on us all, collectively and individually. And we are scared. But we will get through this together.
We know the drill now, folks: Stay home, when possible. Maintain your bubbles. Check the exposure lists. Get vaccinated, when you are able to.
Nova Scotians are showing up to get tested in record numbers, which in turn helps our members in Public Health get a handle on where there are outbreaks and get those under control. If you haven’t yet gone for an asymptomatic test, please do so! Visit https://www.nshealth.ca/coronavirustesting for how to get a test.
We also need you to continue to step up in the workplace: if you are encountering health and safety concerns related to COVID in your workplace, whether it be related to PPE, maintaining proper distancing, or other safety issues, please reach out to the union at inquiry@nsgeu.ca so we can make sure these concerns are addressed.
We have shown the world that Nova Scotians will do whatever it takes to protect one another. Now, let’s pull together and get through what will hopefully be our final COVID wave, together.
In solidarity,
Jason MacLean,
President, NSGEU

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