In Grievance Update, NSGEU NewsPosted May 25, 2021LPN Wage Parity & Retroactivity UpdateGood afternoon, The arbitration dates that were scheduled for June 1st and 2nd for our LPN wage parity and retroactivity... Continue Reading
In Arbitration Decisions, Labour News, NSGEU NewsPosted February 3, 2020NSGEU wins grievance re: STI overpaymentDear NSGEU members working in the Civil Service, When NSGEU members have received Short-Term Illness (STI) benefits and then been... Continue Reading
In Labour News, NSGEU NewsPosted May 7, 2015Grievances filed on behalf of former ERDT members:NSGEU has filed multiple individual grievances on behalf of members who used to work for the Department of Economic and... Continue Reading