Members Sock It To Poverty, Again!

This article appeared in the Winter 2017 issue of the Union Stand.

NSGEU’s Human Rights Committee would like to send a huge “Thank You!” to all NSGEU members for their contributions to the 2016/2017 Sock it to Poverty Campaign.
Together, we collected 387 mittens & gloves, 396 hats, 149 scarves, and 847 pairs of socks. As well, the cash donations collected allowed us to purchase an additional 2,190 pairs of socks from Stanfield.
We have received another $2,200 in cash as of January 2017, which the Committee will use to purchase more new socks to be distributed in the respective regions where the donations were received.
Metro Turning Point,  Halifax Youth Attendance Centre, Harvest House, and Stepping Stone women’s shelter are just a few of the organizations that have benefitted from the help and generosity of NSGEU members this winter. Solidarity!

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