Local 102 – North End Community Health Association Tentative Agreement Ratified

Local 102 members voted to ratify your tentative agreement at last night’s meeting.

Your bargaining committee thanks you for your support during this round of negotiations. The union will provide more details regarding the signing date and retro payments once we have a timeline confirmed with your employer.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact a member of your bargaining committee.

You also can reach out to NSGEU directly by calling 902-424-4063 (toll-free 1-877-556-7438) or emailing inquiry@nsgeu.ca.

Bargaining Committee:

Ash Hinchey, ashleehinchey@outlook.com

Norma MacDonald, norma_macdonald@hotmail.com

Tara Downey, tmldowney@hotmail.com

Brandon Rose, Lead Negotiator, brose@nsgeu.ca

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