Local 175 – Autobus Transco – AVRCE: Bargaining Update

Your bargaining committee met with your employer on April 3rd, 4th, and 5th for bargaining.

Talks were productive, but we needed to wait on further information related to the monetary proposals.

Additional bargaining dates were scheduled for September 10th, 11th and 12th .

After a short meeting on September 10th, it was clear that a tentative agreement would not be reached.

The Employer has provided a final offer.

Please mark your calendars for a meeting scheduled on October 1st at 6pm at the Kentville Volunteer Fire Department (463 Main St, Kentville NS B4N 1K9, Canada).

Brenda Murphy and Jason Brown have resigned from Autobus Transco and are no longer participating on the bargaining committee. Your bargaining committee alternate, Stan Riggs, resigned as well. Your Local President, Cathy Carey, and Local Vice President, Edith Carpentier, will be stepping in to assist.

We will have more information for you in advance of the meeting on October 1st. Keep an eye on your emails and please share this information.

Thank you for your continued support and solidarity.

If you have any questions or concerns about the bargaining process, please contact a member of your bargaining committee:

Eric Boutilier, luv_camping@hotmail.com

Cathy Carey, nsgeu_local_175_president@yahoo.com

Edith Carpentier, emcarpentier1500@gmail.com

Lead Negotiator Lori Smith, lsmith@nsgeu.ca

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