Local 64 Bargaining Update

Your bargaining committee met on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025, to develop your bargaining survey. The survey will be coming out in the next week and your committee will be meeting afterwards to develop the proposals.

Your input through this survey is important and will be used to help your Bargaining Committee set goals and priorities. Please reach out to one of the committee members if you have any questions.

We appreciate your continued solidarity, and we will update you as bargaining progresses.

Your bargaining committee:

Angela Castle                        angiecastle@eastlink.ca
Tina Devine                           tinadevine45@gmail.com
Patrick Shannon                   patshannon69@msn.com
Katie Wentzell                       wentzell_katie@hotmil.com

Lead Negotiator Tracey Best, tbest@nsgeu.ca

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