Writing General Resolutions.

Okay, now that your idea is on paper, in the form of a resolution, it needs to be shared. Remember that the first place to share your resolution is at your Local.

To find out how and when you can bring your resolution to a Local meeting, contact your Local President and arrange a time at the Local meeting to discuss your resolution. If you do not have contact information for your Local President, contact the Labour Resource Centre for help. You can call  902-424-4063 or 1-877-556-7438 or by email at inquiry@nsgeu.ca .

A motion of acceptance must be passed at your Local meeting. Once your resolution has been passed at your Local meeting, the resolution form must be signed by the President and Secretary of the local and submitted to the NSGEU Head Office by 12:00 noon on March 11th, 2022.



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