Local 92 Strike Information Session & Vote
Jan 13, 2015 - 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM- Thursday, January 13, 2015
- 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Room 31, Cox Institute
There will be four separate voting lists, so it will be most efficient if you know your bargaining unit prior to voting. The bargaining units are Clerical and Related (CL), Professional (PR), Technical and Service (TS) and the Research Employees (RE). The simplest way is to refer to the classification and pay scales in the Appendices of your current collective agreement. Please note that the TS bargaining unit includes employees paid under the MOS and TE pay scales. If you are unsure of which bargaining unit you currently fall within, please contact any member of your bargaining committee for clarification.
It is extremely important that you cast your ballot. NSGEU President Joan Jessome will be present at the sessions to explain the importance of a strong strike vote and to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you on January 8th or January 13th.
Local 92 Bargaining Committee:
Tom Cole -Â thomascole5@hotmail.com
Margie Hartling -Â mhartling@dal.ca
Rachel Kennedy -Â rrkennedy@dal.ca
Gisele Mazerolle -Â Gisele.mazerolle@dal.ca
Keiren Tompkins, Chief Negotiator, ktompkins@nsgeu.ca
Tina Webber, Employee Relations Officer twebber@nsgeu.ca