Local 20 – NS Hearing & Speech Centres: Meet your newly elected representatives!

We are pleased to welcome the following members in their new roles as Local 20 representatives:

Sheila Fortier, IWK – Chief Steward and Bargaining Committee

Heather Grant, Cape Breton – President and Shop Steward and Bargaining Committee

Kaitlin Lillington, Kentville – Shop Steward and Bargaining Committee

Krista Wilson, Colchester/Hants – Shop Steward

We will now begin the task of preparing for bargaining with your employer. A bargaining survey will be sent to all members next week. We hope to be able to exchange proposals with the employer some time in January.

Please note that your employer does not provide us with updated contact information for our members, so if you have recently moved or changed your email address please contact the NSGEU by calling 902-424-4063 (toll-free 1-877-556-7438) or by emailing inquiry@nsgeu.ca.

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