Local 65 – Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion: Grievance Procedure

Good afternoon,

It has come to the Union’s attention that your employer has been advising members that they should not be speaking with the union if they have a potential grievance until after they’ve exhausted the informal step of the grievance procedure. The Union does not agree with this position and has made this clear to your employer.

It has been and will continue to be the union’s practice to direct Local 65 members to first contact their supervisor to try and rectify an issue as part of the informal step of the grievance procedure. But in no way does this prevent or limit any member from contacting their Employee Relations Officer or another union representative at any time to discuss concerns, ask for assistance or seek advice from the Union at any stage in the grievance produce or to determine if you have a bona fide grievance. Any communication that you have with the union will not be shared with your employer without your permission.

Please contact your Employee Relations Officer, Kelly Murphy, should you have any additional questions.

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