MEDIA RELEASE: Civil Service Members Vote to Reject Employer’s Offer
(Dartmouth) – NSGEU members of the civil service bargaining unit, voted overwhelmingly to reject the government’s latest offer.
The bargaining committee had recommended that members reject the offer and of those who voted, 99% voted to reject.
“The government’s offer included significant concessions to important job security language as well as a wage package that that does not reflect the current state of the economy and the impact inflation has had on people’s pocket books,” said NSGEU President Sandra Mullen. “The message is clear, civil servants want to be treated fairly and maintain the job security provisions they have traditionally had.”
Government has introduced legislation that has removed people from their unionized jobs and put them in excluded positions, and the government wants new provisions that allows them to eliminate non-unionized civil service jobs without just cause.
“The government’s use of legislation has sent a chill throughout the civil service and our members have been clear they will want a fair wage package that reflects the impact of inflation and protect their current job security provisions,” said Mullen. “The government has introduced a significant wage increase for themselves which surpasses what has been offered to our members. We hope they will acknowledge the important contributions civil servants make to delivering programs and services to Nova Scotians.”
The union will meet with the bargaining committee to determine next steps. This will include an application to the Labour Board to move the process to arbitration. That application can be made as early as next week.
“The Premier has said this is a time of great uncertainty and that uncertainty is being made worse by attacking civil service workers while giving themselves sizeable pay raises,” said Mullen. “Members want to know the government supports their work and values their contributions to Nova Scotians. Hard working civil servants deserve a fair deal that provides wages people can live on and the reassurance that their jobs are safe.”
The Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union represents nearly 38,000 workers who provide quality public services Nova Scotians count on every day.
For more information, or to arrange an interview with NSGEU 1st VP Hugh Gillis, please contact:
Lucas Wide NSGEU Communications Officer,
902-483-0662 (cell)