Calling all members: Rally at the Legislature 8:30 am, Thursday, April 3

Bill 37 Takes Away Your Voice at the Bargaining Table Permanently!

Dear NSGEU members,

As you may have heard, the Liberal government has introduced a second piece of essential services legislation called Bill 37.

This Bill, if passed, would be the most far reaching change to labour relations in Nova Scotia since the 1972 Trade Union Act was introduced.

The legislation permanently takes away any bargaining strength for all acute care and community care workers. This includes long-term care workers, home support workers, and group home workers. It is by far the worst legislation in the country and removes a fundamental right of workers to exercise their rights permanently.

It takes away your voice at the bargaining table permanently!

Click here to watch Ray Larkin, NSGEU Legal Counsel, explain how the Bill takes away fundamental rights and the heavy handed difference between McNeil’s approach to bargaining as compared to governments of the past.

Speak out now! Rally at the Provincial Legislature starting tomorrow, April 3, at 8:30am.

These are your fundamental labour rights!

It is important that the government hear our voices as we oppose this legislation.

If you are not working, please join us on the picket line tomorrow outside the provincial legislature at 8:30am. Every voice counts! Please make every effort to come by and march!

If you cannot come to the legislature, please let the Premier know that he should not interfere with collective bargaining. He should respect the free collective bargaining process and not enact a Bill that permanently removes basic rights from hard working Nova Scotians.

Premier Stephen McNeil:
Phone: (902) 424-6600
Fax: (902) 424-7648

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